HYDROS Control X10 Video Series

HYDROS Control X10
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HYDROS Control X10 Video Series

Discover the incredible features of the HYDROS Control X10 aquarium controller through CoralVue's five-episode YouTube video series. David D’Aquin, owner of CoralVue, and Carlos Chacon, product expert, lead the discussion on the Control X10, which comes with many advanced features, including multi-dosing heads and a salinity probe port. 


This controller is extremely versatile and can handle all the essential functions necessary to maintain a healthy aquarium. With one Control X10, aquarium keepers can easily dose liquids, monitor temperature, and track pH or ORP levels. Furthermore, the controller can expand its functionalities by using additional accessories to test salinity and alkalinity, monitor water levels, detect leaks, and power other Control devices.


Join David D’Aquin and Carlos Chacon in this series as they delve into the amazing features of the new Control X10 aquarium controller. Check out the Control X10 YouTube Playlist below.