Giesemann T5s at BattleCorals

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Giesemann T5s at BattleCorals

In this episode of [CVtv], we go on location to visit Adam Derickson from BattleCorals and he gives us the behind the scenes tour of his facility. Adam has been using Giesemann T5 Bulbs on his fixtures for the last 6 months and he raves about the results. He is planning on changing all his fixtures to Giesemann bulbs when the times comes.

BattleCorals specializes in cultivating sought after SPS corals. It deals primarily with acros and montis.  It's mission statement is to provide a source for prized SPS at affordable prices.   

It's owner and founder Adam Derickson started as a hobbyists many years ago but as his passion for the hobby and the inhabitants grew, he found himself sharing the excess corals he had with fellow friends and hobbyists.  After a number of years of trading and sharing corals with others, Adam decided to embrace the opportunity and BattleCorals was born.  

The corals have responded extremely well

At the beginning, BattleCorals was just a single frag tank with lighting.  Today, BattleCorals is a fully functional home business with multiple propagation systems, quarantine tanks and packaging and shipping stations.  

...the proof is in the pudding... when it comes time to change out the other fixtures...will be putting Giesemann's on those too.

In the summer of 2014, CoralVue contacted Adam to ask him to beta test Giesemann T5 bulbs.  Adam was eager to help and installed the bulbs in one of his main systems.  Six months later, he welcomed [CVtv] into this facility so he could tell us first-hand his experience with the new bulbs.  Adam states that the Giesemann T5 bulbs not only color up his corals, but they also increased growth compared over the same period of time compared to other bulbs in the market.  Adam is now looking forward to upgrading his entire T5 system to feature the Giesemann T5 bulbs.  

Looks good.  Everything they need is being met!

If you are interested in viewing BattleCorals' inventory, ask Adam a question or just drop a quick comment, head over to  Adam is there always willing to help a fellow hobbyist looking to expand or start his/her SPS collection.

If you would like more information on the Giesemann T5 bulbs that BattleCorals uses in their grow-out systems, visit the CoralVue store at


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